Finding the right VOIP solution for you

Satellite Broadband

Our team will work with you to get you connected with one of our national Satellite Broadband high-speed internet providers. We will help you decide if metered or unlimited data internet plans will work best for your small business. Installation usually in just 3 to 5 business days. And since their broadband internet comes from space, it provides truly diverse network access from traditional ground-based infrastructures, enabling your customers to stay connected in even the worst situations. Our Satellite Broadband consulting is a FREE service, so you never have to worry about us driving up expensive hourly rates.

What is Satellite Broadband?

Business customers in challenging locations where cable isn't available can use Satellite Broadband high-speed internet to connect. Providers offer plans that are metered or unlimited data internet plans with installation usually in just 3 to 5 business days. And since their broadband internet comes from space, it provides truly diverse network access from traditional ground-based infrastructures, enabling your customers to stay connected in even the worst situations.


Satellite Broadband Providers Motion VOIP can quote for you:

Viasat Broadband


Viasat is America's largest high-speed internet network, connecting businesses, homes, airlines, and more with satellite broadband. If you have customers in challenging locations where cable isn't available, Viasat Business has you covered with high-speed internet.