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Hotel Security- How Using a Camera System Can Make Your Guests Feel Safe

Hotel security has become a growing concern with the increase in data breaches and break-ins. Hotels are soft targets predominantly because of the large influx of guests that check-in and out daily, where the majority of them are unidentified. It further makes hotels vulnerable to security breaches because it is difficult to identify risk before it occurs.

It's crucial to understand that inadequate security can have serious repercussions such as:

  • Guests can lose their precious belongings

  • It can pose a danger to the lives of your staff members and guests

  • Damage your hotel's reputation permanently

  • Expose you to the risk of liability and lawsuits

Thus, it is vital to continuously upgrade your security measures to ensure that your guests, staff, and hotel assets are safe and secure from any criminal activity, danger, or risk. Besides this, robust security also means a better and safer guest experience, which is important to win their loyalty and become their preferred choice for staying in town.

Install CCTV Surveillance Camera System

When it comes to security measures, there are numerous practices you can follow. However, one of the best ways to improve your hotel's security is installing a CCTV surveillance system. Using a camera system around your hotel premises, you can vigilantly monitor your territory and act responsively if you observe something suspicious.

 In other words, when guests know that you have tight security measures in place, they will feel safe and secure throughout their stay in your hotel. And this experience is much needed to build their trust in your hotel and service. Therefore, start by installing a surveillance system.

As mentioned earlier, security cameras will allow you to monitor all the activity in your hotel at all times. Also, in the event where security is breached, you can provide camera footage to law enforcement officers to ensure the criminal is caught easily.

CCTV security cameras also protect your hotel against liability issues and lawsuits. At times hotels can be held liable for incidents and injuries that occur on the premises. However, with security cameras installed, you can record everything that happens around your hotel, which is extremely useful should anything happen. For example, CCTV surveillance cameras are useful if slip-and-fall accidents occur due to the victims’ negligence or if a staff member gets injured while on the job. The footage can be used to save a hotel thousands of dollars in a lawsuit. 

Know Where to Install Cameras—It Can Make a Huge Difference

To ensure top-notch hotel security, where you install cameras is essential. To help you get started, surveillance cameras should be installed:

  • Near entrances and exits

It will help you get a clear picture of every visitor walking in or out of your hotel, identify trespassers, and give a sense of security to people staying at the hotel. The presence of CCTV surveillance cameras at these places can help identify intruders. The management can take quick actions to stop them from entering the premises or doing anything unethical.

  • In Open Areas 

Cameras in open public areas are equally important. These places include lobbies, pool area, spa, gym, and even meeting rooms. They should have surveillance at all times because they are crowded and open to everyone. 

As pools and spas are busy areas of the hotel, it is practically impossible to watch everyone onsite at once. So, it is highly recommended to take the proper measures to prevent accidents in your swimming pools and nearby. 

With advanced technologies available today, more hotel owners turn to security cameras as a preventative measure to help lifeguards and counter accidents in open areas of the hotel.

Camera systems give you a view above and below the water and when there is anyone around the pool itself. Moreover, special underwater cameras are a great choice to get a view of what is happening underneath the water. It provides a valuable view that otherwise exceed the capabilities of a lifeguard who only has a high perched view

  • Storage and Corridors 

Make sure to install cameras in the storage area, laundry, and corridors. Sometimes thefts are carried by staff members. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure that the staff is background checked. Plus, once you have cameras installed in service corridors and storage areas, you can easily keep track of employees, thereby lowering the chances of any unauthorized activity from staff members and minimizing unruly conduct and complications. 

Hotel staff members also hesitate to take unethical actions knowing surveillance cameras are installed in and around and that they are being monitored.

  • Around the Parking Lot

Surveillance cameras in closed and gated parking lots can enhance security is great. It's vital to install cameras in the parking lot because many guests will arrive with their cars and park them in the lot. 

However, they may not return to their car until they are going home. Thus, as their cars are parked for long and unattended periods, their cars can be easy targets for thefts. To keep their vehicles safe, install cameras in the parking lot. Moreover, with cameras installed in your parking lot, you can easily prevent security risks like vandalism and car break-ins.

  • Other Areas

Also, be sure to install cameras near valuable items like artwork or safes, the reception desk, in the hallways, and the elevators to deter theft. With cameras installed in all these places, you can easily discourage anyone who may have a bad intention or pose a security threat.

Here it is crucial to note that when installing cameras in different areas of your hotel premises, you need to be sure that the installation will not invade your guests' privacy. Hence, the rule of thumb that should be followed during CCTV surveillance camera system installation is that they should be placed in public areas and be prominent enough to make guests feel secure. However, they should not be so apparent that they appear threatening and not hidden to come across as illegal and invasive. 

So, make sure to follow and conform to hotel security camera law regarding privacy and security camera placement. For example, it is illegal and invasive to install cameras in hotel rooms. 

How Much Storage or Days Of Storage Do You Need?

As you install cameras around your hotel premises, you must address another question: the amount of storage or footage you need. You need to get the right amount of storage for your cameras to have a complete and lengthy record of everything, especially if there is a security breach. 

If you the high resolution and good storage space, then consider digital IP cameras. CCTV cameras record footage with DVR or NVR. DVRs can record video footage directly and easily, but they are not scalable. Besides this, they can't be migrated to IP cameras. Apart from that, DVR video storage is also susceptible to hardware failure. And you know what this means? It means that if the drive fails at any time, the entire camera system will stop recording and storing footage. And that is something you don't want.

Therefore, NVR makes a better option. NVR with IP cameras are reliable, scalable, and allow you to store more footage as compared to DVR. Another benefit of NVR with IP is the ability to view from remote locations. Besides this, when you use NVR with IP cameras, you also get the option of cloud recording. It further helps eliminate the need for onsite or physical storage. Thus, the NVR stores footage on the internal drive before it is uploaded to the server. Plus, you also have the option to upload footage when you want at your specified schedules, thereby minimizing bandwidth usage.

Top Advantages of Using IP CCTV Camera Systems 

At Motion VOIP, we provide various options to help hotel owners deliver the best experience to their customers. From VOIP systems to IP cameras for surveillance, let us help you redefine your business success and deliver the ultimate experience to your guests in terms of safety and overall hotel stay. 

  • Deter Crime

With IP CCTV camera systems installed, you can easily deter crime. The sight of the CCTV surveillance camera staring back and the thought of getting caught can be intimidating for any mischief-maker, thereby preventing crime and thefts. 

Thefts can range from a variety of unethical activities. Whether you are experiencing food and bar shrink issues, non-hotel guests are using amenities, or having missing cash problems; with CCTV camera systems around your premises, rest assured that your hotel will no longer be a soft target for anyone 

  • Remote access for hotel owners and managers

Our IP CCTV security cameras offer you unparalleled functionality and flexibility. Once installed, you can keep a vigilant eye on your hotel facility even when you are not on the premises. Our cameras stream live video across the internet protocol network. It means that you can access the video of your hotel surveillance cameras remotely. 

Moreover, wireless IP cameras are excellent as they can be installed easily without miles of wiring. It's as simple it can be. 

  • Assist law enforcement when issues occur

As the footage is continuously recorded, it can assist law enforcement officers in case of a mishap or a theft. Law enforcement officers can use the footage in the cameras to solve the crime. 

To maximize the benefits of IP CCTV surveillance cameras, combine them with other security measures. For example, replace traditional locks and key systems with modern and electronic access systems. It will help you monitor and track who went inside the room, along with the time of entry and exit. Moreover, you can control after-hours access and hire well-trained and professional security guards.


In a nutshell, it can be said that a high-quality security surveillance system is not an option but a necessity for those operating a hospitality business. Hotels need quality and reliable security systems to provide exceptional security to their guests and for their insurance purposes. 

Indeed customer safety and security go hand-in-hand. It is impossible to deliver an enjoyable experience to your guests if you don't provide them a safe and secure place to stay. Customers will hesitate to stay at your hotel without proper security systems and may opt for your competitor. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have quality security measures to keep your guests safe and secure. 

CCTV surveillance cameras are less intrusive, more cost-effective, and can provide quick ROIs. Moreover, when hotel owners invest in and leverage modern security technologies like IP CCTV cameras that offer remote monitoring features, it communicates to the guests that you value their safety and are concerned about their security. It further helps you provide an excellent guest experience while building a level of trust and winning their loyalty. 

So, what are you waiting for? If you are a hotel owner concerned about the safety of your guests and staff members, contact us today. Consider installing CCTV surveillance cameras to improve your facility's security and minimize the risk of crime and theft. 

We can provide you with complete security solutions and create a facility where guests' safety comes first. Give us a chance to serve you. You will be happy with your decision. Contact us today.